Saturday, July 23, 2005

10 Truths About Christians Who Do Not Tithe.

The ONLY way one may interpret the tithe as NOT NECESSARILY 10% of one's income is to redefine what tithe means and to presume that you know better than God.

  1. If you cannot live with 90% of your income, most probably, you cannot live with 100% of your income either. Most probably, you are even borrowing money to pay some of your obligations. (Romans 13:8)

  2. If you cannot live with 90% of your income, most probably, you have items in your budget that God does not really approve of. (James 4:3,13-17)

  3. If you cannot live with 90% of your income, your values may be a lot different from God's values. "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" (Matthew 6:21, Luke 12:34).

  4. If you cannot live with 90% of your income, most probably you are not active in supporting the needs of your pastor and your church perhaps forcing your pastor to find other means to survive and preserve his family. (Nehemiah 13:10-12).

  5. If you cannot live with 90% of your income, you must be very stressed out trying to find more ways to earn more money to fund your needs and wants. (Ecclesiastes 1:3,Matthew 6:33)

  6. If you cannot live with 90% of your income, you know you are robbing God of His 10% and most probably, you may be in the practice of robbing others of what is due them. (Malachi 3:8-10)

  7. If you cannot live with 90% of your income, you may have mastered the art of making a living but have entirely missed out on knowing how to live. (Ecclesiastes 6:1-2)

  8. If you cannot live with 90% of your income, most probably you cannot discipline yourself in many other aspects of Christian life like Prayer, Bible Study and Christian Love. (John 14:15)

  9. If you cannot live with 90% of your income, most probably you are disobedient in other things that God wants you to do. (James 2:10)

  10. If you cannot live with 90% of your income, you have not graduated from selfishness and may have the same values as the non-Christian. (Micah 6:8)
Let's face it Christian, terrorists and suicide bombers are willing to give their lives for a lie and you cannot sacrifice 10% of your income for the truth!!! What does that make of you? Worse than a terrorist?


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